Technology for Africa

“Building and customising is what we do best. Years of experience in building customised IT solutions has helped us guide clients that their solutions can be cost effective and fully relevant to their needs so that they are not paying for a system which is only be used to half of its capacity hence resulting in wasted costs”

CEO EL Bienvenu Mopulunga Ikaka

The innovation of the SIMP™ platform was built from the journey of our CEO Mr EL Bienvenu Ikaka, whilst conducting voter registrations around Africa with an optical paper based system. Based on his challenges, he developed a more secure, simple platform which provided an end to end system which managed all the data. The core function of SIMP™ focuses on using hardware and software components in a system to analyse, collect, register and process data of legal entities and its assets to form a centralised database.The database can then be integrated to provide permanent solutions during the lifecycle of the entity or asset, e.g. ID, passport, driver’s license, medical aid, firearm license, a house etc. SIMP™ is the platform that provides the entity with a unique identity that allows it to then have access to other solutions.

Once this is done, the entity and its assets have access to many services that they require within their lifecycle from birth to death, this could be ID, Passport, Drivers licence, Medical Aid, Firearm licence, a house etc. Hence SIMP™ then is the platform that provides the entity with a unique identity that allows it to then have access to other solutions.

What does SIMP™ do?


    Birth Certificate, Medical Card, ID number


    School Registration, Access to Medical Records


    Medical Record, Employment Status, Drivers Licence, Voter Registration


    Marriage Certificate, Voter Registration, Vehicle Registration, Security Access at Work, Access to Medical Records


    Issue Death Certificate, Pension Fund Records


The registration mode depends on the requirements of the clients.


All of the data is stored at central site where is it processed, programmed and customised. It is also personalised and the result is printed forms which could be Identity cards, passports drivers licence, bank cards, Medical cards, Access cards. This form of printed results can be customised to any industry requirements.


SIMP can be integrated with an existing system or can be created as a new system depending on the client’s requirements.


Web online modules are built for a client to access, verify, or edit the data form.


  • It services both the private and public sector
  • Aligns to African challenges
  • Safe, secure and reliable
  • Fully customisable to the client’s requirements
  • System owned and controlled by the client with support from Bigradap Group Technologies
  • Can be implemented simultaneously across various departments, sectors or branches.


  • Innovative
  • Permanent
  • Centralised
  • Real-time solutions
  • Cost-effective
  • Customised for a client for the current situation and allows a platform for growth of the business.

Bigradap Technologies has developed many customised solutions using the SIMP™ system.  Some examples where SIMP™ has been used:

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